Sunday, August 30

My Flat

Here is a picture of the marvelous old Victorian house I occupy. I live on the third floor which has been converted into an apartment. It's not far from the campus. Dr. Sheridan Wilkins, and his wife Molly, own the house and live in the two floors below. The University of Cambridge pays for my rent. It's a nice arrangement. I get to live in this historic home for free, without having to do upkeep and yardwork, and I have someone to keep an eye on my flat when I'm in the Field.

The Wilkins are nice folks. Sheridan teaches music history at Cambridge and Molly is a piano teacher. They often have visiting musicians staying with them, so I sometimes get a free concert coming up through the floor boards.

I'd like to thank Cindy Funk for giving me a copy of this photo she took while she was staying "down below" with the Wilkins. She's a folk musician and also has a radio show promoting folk music. Here is her website. Cindy Funk

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